Design Museum: Breathing Colour Exhibition
I thought it would be nice today to cycle over to the London Design Museum in Kensington to see the Breathing Colour exhibition which has been in hosted in Gallery 2 since 28th June.

The exhibition revolves around the world of colour which has been explored by acclaimed Dutch designer Hella Jongerius who heads up Jongeriuslab.
Here is a summary of the exhibiton from the Design Museum website (
We see the world in colour but rarely do we appreciate how colour shapes what we see.
Breathing Colour blurs the boundaries between art and design. Combining intriguing shapes with extensive research; this exhibition questions our preconceptions of colour and embraces its imperfection and experimentation.
I really enjoy exhibitions like these which delve deeper into topics that most of us take for granted everyday, such as colour. We are surrounded by colour and we naturally consume it during the day and through to the night.
Jongerius explores our relationship with light from morning through to evening and how it changes our perception of objects and colour. A great example is how you might buy a piece of furniture from IKEA and then take it home to find its colour has changed because the lighting in your home or office is different to that used in the IKEA showroom.
The exhibition is open until he 24th September which is this coming Sunday, so if you're interested head down this week, visit the exhibit and the many others on offer.
Have an excellent week!